Monday, June 15, 2009

A playdate without playmates

Here it is, Day 1 of what is sure to be many days unemployed and home with The Wild Ones. Donovan and Devin are now out of daycare and we are all under one roof trying to figure this "Stay at Home Mom" thing out. Knowing I'd be pulling my hair out by the end of the day, I planned to take the boys out to one of Elk Grove's newest parks to meet up with others in my Mom's Group. Oddly, no one else showed up! The boys had a great time anyway and surprisingly didn't want to leave.

Dominic heads for higher ground

Devin wants one of these at home!

Donovan gets wet

You can never be sure where the water will pop up next!

Lovin' that wind!

Me thinks it's time for a haircut.

Nope, this is it Mom. I want one of these!

Donovan shows Devin how it's done.

Wonder where he gets this from? Lord help me!


Kelli W said...

Looks like a fun time at the park! Don't you just love the spinny thing that Donovan is on! My boys could play on those for hours~!

Kristie said...

You didn't cut Devin's hair did you? Don't do it.. Come on... He's got the greatest curls ever...

I finally took Sydney and Peyton to get their hair trimmed, they were very excited.

I want a lil boy with lots of curls too.