It's Harvest Time! The fall freshness is in the air and the urge to go to Apple Hill got the best of us today. Naturally it was quite crowded, but we were able to get to our regular stops without too much trouble... just a few extra minutes stuck in traffic. It was quite chilly and made for extra sales of hot chocolate and coffee. Dominic ate a record amount of doughnuts this time so a few more minutes running up and down hills burning off that sugar did him good. Devin was all bundled up most of the time and Donovan loved picking up any pumpkins we came across.
The boys were excited to bring out the "foot-jammies" tonight. I'm wishing I had some myself!
18,000 Apples in 2016
8 years ago
Love the collage!
You just have one set of gorgeous men in your life. What will you do when all the girls are on the chase for your boys?
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