Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Trials...Day Two

Okay, BOOOORRRRRING!!!! Today wasn't as active as Monday. After dropping off Dominic, Donovan and I went grocery shopping. I had a list of things to get...mainly ingredients for a couple of crock pot dinners to be attempted this week. Donovan didn't enjoy the temptation of food and not being able to have any. I caught some items before they hit the ground as he threw them out of the cart in protest. Fish crackers to the rescue! I had the infamous Wiggles backpack with me, and in the bottom were a package of crushed fish crackers. He enjoyed them, although I think most of them ended up in my pocket as I picked them up off the floor. I got my items and we headed home. We did a lot of sitting around. I attempted to do some laundry, but always got side tracked. Before too long it was time to pick up Dominic from Kindercamp. It's always a fun visit to see Grandma Gertie (she works at the school) when getting Dominic. It's usually a show-n-tell session where Dominic proudly displays his creation for the day. Today's masterpiece was his name written in pinto beans! It's now scotch-taped in the house to the back of the front door.

After getting home, the boys had lunch, I prepped the crock pot and Donovan went down for a nap. I try to sneak in a nap at this time too, but the constant "hyah's" and "Power Up's" from Dominic wouldn't let me catch a wink. The weather today was overcast - a bit strange after experiencing 100+ temps in the past week. It still made for fine popsicle-eating weather.
Donovan's amazed he finished his
popsicle before Roxy got to it.

Roxy wonders why we've been home during the day,
but is not complaining

Dominic has got the method down - chomp or the dog will.

Yes, the grass is dead. There's no reviving it.

Fred stays away from all activities. Smart!

1 comment:

LoveBugZ said...

I need to take blogging lessons from you. I love your entire method: Writing, pictures! I stink at it but I try!